भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय कृषि अभियांत्रिकी संस्थान, भोपाल

ICAR - Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal

(An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute)
ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal is celebrating its 50th Foundation day during 15-16 February, 2025 
Director's Desk

Dr. C.R. Mehta

Director  |  ICAR - CIAE, Bhopal

ICAR-CIAE, a premier institute for Agricultural Engineering R&D, was established in 1976 to cater to the needs of agricultural engineering in the country. It is located in the heart of India at Bhopal and in today’s day and age when agricultural land in shrinking and population increasing, the institute’s mandate plays a pivotal role in increasing agricultural productivity.

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