Dr. Punit Chandra
Principal Scientist

Research Focus
Food Biochemistry
Functional food development
- Punit Chandra. (2013).Preparation and packaging of Soymilk and Tofu. IN Processing and value addition of soybean and coarse cereals ( Edited by S D Kulkarni). CIAE Publication no CIAE/2013/5 ISBN No 978-81-909305-4-3. pp 22 – 25.
- Punit Chandra. (2012). Impact of processing on nutrients, anti-nutrients and functional properties of food. IN Nonthermal, Nonchemical processing in food systems(Eds: D A Murugkar and Ravindra Naik). ISBN No 978-81-909305-2-9. pp 218 – 234.
- Tripathi, M.K, Chandra Punit and Sinha, L.K. (2011). Biochemical mechanism of soy protein gelation and factors influencing tofu characteristics. The IUP Journal of Chemistry 4(1), 76-90.
- Punit Chandra, I.S.Singh and S.B.Singh. (2005). Biochemical changes during flowering of sugarcane. Sugar Tech. 7(4); 160 – 162.
- Punit Chandra, Awadhesh Kumar, Pratap Singh, K.Lal and S.B.Singh. (2005). Diversity in Saccharum species based on isozymic variations. Ind. J. Pl. Physiol. (Spl. issue). 134 – 137.
Dr. Punit Chandra
Principal Scientist
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal – 462 038
Contact No.- (O) +91-755-2521067
Email: Punit.Chandra@icar.gov.in
Email: Punit.Chandra@icar.gov.in
Dr. Shukadev Mangaraj
Principal Scientist

Research Focus
Fruit grading
MA Packaging
Soymilk deodorization
Extrusion cooking technology
- Mangaraj, S., Mohanty, S., Swain, S. and Yadav A (2019). Development and characterization of commercial biodegradable films using blown film extrusion technology. Current Science, 116 (6): 997-1002.
- Mangaraj, S. and Pajnoo, R.K. (2019). Development of an efficient fruit cum vegetable grader for spherical commodities. Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 54 (2): 7-12.
- Mangaraj, S., Goswami, TK, and Panda, DK (2015). Modeling of gas transmission properties of polymeric films used for MA Packaging of fruits. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 52(9): 5456-5469.
- Mangaraj, S., Goswami, TK, Giri, SK and Tripathi MK. (2012). Permselective MA packaging of litchi (cv. Shahi) for preserving quality and extension of shelf-life. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 71:1-12.
- Mangaraj, S. and Singh, K.P. (2011). Optimisation of machine parameters for milling of pigeon pea using RSM. Food and Bioprocess Technology - An International Journal, 4:762-769.
- ISAE Book Award (2019) for the book entitled “Agricultural Process Engineering (Volume I to IV)” authored by Dr. S. Swain, S. Mangaraj, SK Dash and Nawab Ali, published by Kalyani Publisher, Delhi received in the 54th ISAE convention held Pune during 07-09th January 2020.
- Outstanding Book Award of ISAE (2015) for the book entitled “Principles and Practices of Agricultural Processing” authored by Dr. Nawab Ali and Dr. S. Mangaraj, published by Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi received in the 50th Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at OUAT, Bhubaneswar during 19-21 January 2016.
- NAAS Associate (2014) from National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi for outstanding contributions in the field of Agricultural Process Engineering.
- ISAE Commendation Medal (2014) for professional achievements in the field of Agricultural Process Engineering in the 49th convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at PAU, Ludhiana during 23rd- 25th February 2014.
- Jawaharlal Nehru Award (2013) for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences (Agricultural Engineering) from Indian Council of Agricultural research (ICAR), New Delhi, India.
- ISAE Commendation Award (2011) for outstanding contributions in the field of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology in the 46th convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held during 27th - 29 February 2012 at GBPUAT, Panthanagar.
- NN Mohan Memorial Award (2009) from All India Food Processors' Association at the Annual Conference & National Seminar on “Inclusive Growth of Food Processing Industries in India” held during 3rd December 2010 at New Delhi.
Dr. Shukadev Mangaraj
Principal Scientist
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal – 462 038
Contact No.- +91-9630860191
Email: S.Mangaraj@icar.gov.in
Dr. Samlesh Kumari

Research Focus
Food and Dairy Microbiology
Probiotics (to harness the functional potential of beneficial (Lactobacilli) microbes in process technologies of foods)
Prebiotics & Synbiotics
Biofunctional edible & non-edible packaging
Nano materials & biopolymers for food preservation and shelf Life Enchantment.
- Samlesh Kumari and ShilpaVij (2015) Optimization of whey based probiotic drink using lactobacillus acidophilus NCDC-16 with supplementation of strawberry fruit concentrate. Souvenir of 12th Agri. Sci. Congress held at NDRI, karnal during 3 rd -6 th February. Abstract No. 587: 209.
- Samlesh Kumari and ShilpaVij. (2015) “Effect of bioactive peptides derived from fermented whey based drink against food borne pathogens”.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 4(3): 936 – 941.
- Samlesh Kumari and ShilpaVij(2014) “Anti pathogenic potential of whey derived peptides”. Souvenir of International Conference on Emerging Food Safety Risks: Challenges for Developing Countries held at NIFTEM, Kundli during 9-10 th January, Pp: 169.
- Samlesh Kumari and ShilpaVij. (2010) “Optimization of processing conditions for probiotic whey based fermented drink”. Souvenir of 12th RashtriyaKrishiVigyanSangoshthi held at CSSRI, Karnal during 22-24th April. Abstract No. 118: 222-223.
Dr. Samlesh Kumari
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal – 462 038
Contact No.-(O) +91-755-2521245
Email: samlesh.kumari@icar.gov.in
Email: samlesh.kumari@icar.gov.in