भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय कृषि अभियांत्रिकी संस्थान, भोपाल

ICAR - Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal

(An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute)

Rajbhasha (Hindi Section)

Official Language Cell

Popular articles, technical bulletins, important proforma, special interview information, tenders with detailed terms and regulations, summary of annual report, home magazine (agricultural engineering mirror) and other journals of council institutes received from time to time by the Official Language Cell of the institute. The translation of material etc. is done in Hindi. Along with this, timely translation of the important information of the institution related to the presentation in Parliament is also presented. Other activities of the cell include sending quarterly, six-quarterly reports. The Official Language Implementation Committee meetings are regularly organized and the implementation of the Official Language Implementation in the Institute is reviewed. Personnel of the Official Language Cell of the Institute are compulsorily involved in the six monthly meetings of the Town Official Language Implementation Committee. Every year the official language fortnight is organized in the institute by the cell under which various interesting competitions are organized and the winners are given cash prizes. The Hindi Incentive Scheme is conducted every year by the Rajbhasha Cell in the institute under which the participants receive a cash prize. Implementation activities are also carried out under the Official Language Implementation Review. Support is also provided by translating material (leaflets, pamphlets etc.) related to the training of various divisions organized in the institute. The personnel of the institute are constantly encouraged to do more official work in Hindi, for which problems of translation related problems are solved by organizing small workshops by visiting their work place. In present day following work is working in the Official Language Cell.

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