भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय कृषि अभियांत्रिकी संस्थान, भोपाल

ICAR - Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal

(An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute)


CIAE Library

The Institute has a state-of-art Library having an impressive collection of literature on Agricultural Engineering and its allied subjects. The foreign and national periodicals are subscribed to keep track of the current scientific/ technical developments. Besides, there are books and volumes of bound journals, bulletins, theses, BIS Standards, CD-ROMs, and reprints. The Library is providing database/literature search on Internet to the Scientists, students and staff of the institute, for this purpose there are 5 computers dedicated in the library, to access current information in the area of their interest and communicate with the researchers of their interest immediately. These services are free of cost to the staff and students of CIAE. The plan and policies for the major procurements and management issues of library are monitored by LAC (Library Advisory Committee) comprising of Chairman (a Institute Director), Head of Division and one representative (Principal / Senior/ Scientist) from each Division of the Institute.

List of CIAE Priced Publications
A P Shilarkar

CTO and I/c Library

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